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Railway Commercial Apprentice Salary, Job Profile And Career Growth

Railway Commercial Apprentice Salary

Many people in India want railway jobs because they offer good pay and benefits. One job that doesn’t get much attention is the Commercial Apprentice. You can apply for this position by taking the RRB NTPC exam, organized by the Railway Recruitment Board. The notification for RRB NTPC Recruitment 2024 will be out soon on the official website. It’s important to understand the salary structure to see how you can grow in this role.

Let’s explore the total salary both gross and in-hand for a Railway Commercial Apprentice (CA) according to the 7th Pay Commission. We’ll cover the salary details, job responsibilities, and opportunities for career growth in this role.

Railway (RRB NTPC) Commercial Apprentice Vacancy & Pay

The initial pay for the station master is 35400 where the total vacancies are 259.

RRB NTPC Station Master

Level in 7th CPC

Initial Pay (Rs.)

Total Vacancies (All RRBs)

6 35400 259

Railway station master Salary & Job profile 

Railway Commercial Apprentice Salary as per 7th Pay commission

The training period for a Railway Commercial Apprentice (CA) lasts 80 days. During this time, apprentices receive training to become versatile supervisors in the Commercial branch. This training, which is under 100 days, covers various roles, including commercial clerks, parcel clerks, catering, goods clerks, and commercial inspectors.

Training Period
80 Days (Less than 100)
Salary During Training Grade Pay Rs. 2800/-
After Training Grade Pay Rs. 4200/-
1st Salary Rs. 40,000/- plus (Approx)
Bond 5 Years Bond

After their training, Commercial Apprentices will work as Commercial Supervisors, Goods Supervisors, Parcel Supervisors, or Commercial Inspectors in different railway departments. The starting basic pay for a Commercial Apprentice is ₹35,000, and the total in-hand salary, including allowances, is around ₹56,000, depending on the city.

Basic Pay
Rs. 35,400/-
II. Grade Pay 4200/-
III. DA (Currently 34% Of Basic Pay) 12,036/-
IV. Travel Allowance ( Fixed ) 2016/-
V. HRA ( Varies according to Place)- Minimum 2832/-
Total Pay (I) + (II) + (III) 56,484/-

Click here to know RRB NTPC Salary

Job Profile of Commercial Apprentice (CA)

  • CA acts as a Supervisor/ Inspector in Commercial departments.
  • CA take care of collecting revenue.
  • The commercial apprentice is responsible for commercial activities or goods transferred to the railways.
  • They are multi-skilled supervisors and have to work as a six in one taking responsibility for all the commercial work.
  • They are posted as Commercial Inspectors, Goods Supervisors, Parcel Supervisors, and Rates and Claims Inspector in Railways.
  • Their work includes inspection of activities on the railway stations according to the department posted.

RRB NTPC Commercial Apprentice Career growth

After five years of service, Commercial Apprentices can get promoted to Assistant Commercial Manager (Group-B) through the Limited Departmental Competitive Exam. This offers a clear path for career growth in the railway system, allowing for further advancement in various managerial roles.

Commercial apprentice career

Commercial Apprentice Educational Qualifications

For the RRB NTPC Commercial apprentice post, the minimum educational qualification required is a graduate degree.

Railway Commercial Apprentice Age Limit

The age of the candidates at the time of applying for the RRB recruitment must be between 18 to 33 years.

RRB NTPC Commercial Apprentice Medical Standards

The medical standards required to be eligible for this post are B-2. Candidates must satisfy the medical criteria given below to be eligible for the appointment.

Visual acuity
1 B-2 Physically
fit in all
Distance Vision: 6/9, 6/12 with or without glasses
(Power of lenses not to exceed 4D).
Near Vision: Sn 0.6, 0.6 with or without glasses
when reading or close work is required and must
pass the test for Field of Vision(Binocular Vision), etc.

Commercial Apprentice Selection Process

The selection process for the Commercial Apprentice position is conducted through the RRB NTPC examination. It consists of four stages: two online computer-based tests, a typing skill test, and finally, document verification.

  • 1st Stage Computer Based Test (CBT)
  • 2nd Stage Computer Based Test (CBT)
  • Computer-Based Aptitude Test
  • Document Verification/Medical Examination.


Railway Commercial Apprentice Salary, Job Profile & Career Growth_5.1


What is the work of commercial apprentice in railway?

After completion of the two-year training period with the Indian railways, the commercial apprentice candidates are appointed any of the aforementioned positions including chief commercial clerks, parcel clerks, goods clerks initially.

What is the salary of railway apprentice per month?

The estimated take home salary of a Apprentice Trainee at Indian Railways ranges between ₹ 6,828 per month to ₹ 7,471 per month in India.

What is the training period of commercial apprentice in railway?

The training period for the RRB NTPC Commercial Apprentice is of 80 days in which supervisorial and inspectional training is given to the candidates and then after 80 days they are appointed to the following given Posts in Indian Railways.