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Happy Children’s Day, History of 14th November

Happy Children’s Day

Every year, Children’s Day is celebrated all across the country on 14th November. This day is celebrated on the birth anniversary of India’s first Prime Minister Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru. Nehru used to say, children are the bright future of the country and the foundation of a society, so they need to be loved and their welfare should always come first. To repay their love for him, children used to call Jawahar Lal Nehru as Chacha Nehru. This day is also called “Bal Diwas”.

Happy Children’s Day 2023: Date

India celebrates Children’s Day on November 14 each year on the birth anniversary of Jawaharlal Nehru, affectionately known as Chacha Nehru, India’s first Prime Minister, this day was chosen to be observed as Children’s Day. On November 14, Jawaharlal Nehru celebrated his birth. Nehru was a strong supporter of children’s rights and an inclusive educational system that makes information available to everyone. He held that everyone’s well-being should be prioritised because children are the nation’s future and the cornerstone of a society.

Happy Children’s Day 2022: History

  • Before Jawahar Lal Nehru passed away this day, the 14th of November was declared as the official Children’s Day in India, this day was observed on the 20th of November every year. This day was declared International Children’s Day by the United Nations after it adopted the Declaration of Child Rights.
  • After his death, his birthday was announced as the official Children’s Day of the country.
  • Nehru’s birthday (November 14) has been officially observed in India since 1947, with public ceremonies done in his honour and children’s sports held; yet, it wasn’t until 1954 that the day was first observed as “Children’s Day.” More than 50,000 schoolchildren joined in the festivities at Delhi’s National Stadium.
  • A special government decree designated November 14 as Children’s Day in India in 1957. On the occasion of Bal Diwas (also known as “Children’s Day”), the Department of Posts and Telegraphs of the Government of India released first-day covers and three commemorative stamps.
  • This idea was inspired by the Flag Day observed in England on the birthday of Queen Elizabeth II to raise money for “Save the Child Fund.” Nehru first felt humiliated when his permission was requested, but eventually reluctantly consented.

Why Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was called Chacha Nehru?

Jawaharlal Nehru was born to a family of Kashmiri Brahmans on November 14, 1889. His family had migrated to Delhi early in the 18th century. The name “Chacha” was given to him mostly because of his affection for kids. According to a different rumour, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru saw Mahatma Gandhi as his older brother and was very close to him. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru became known as “Chacha” because Mahatma Gandhi was referred to as “Bapu” and vice versa. So, children also called him ‘Chacha Nehru’.

Happy Children’s Day 2023: Significance

  1. Children’s Day is celebrated to highlight the areas in which the country’s children still lack access to health care and education.
  2. The primary idea behind celebrating Children’s Day is to raise awareness about the rights, needs and welfare of children.
  3. However, Children’s Day is also a way to celebrate the innocence and happiness of childhood.
  4. The nation has adopted a number of ways to celebrate this beautiful day from schools organizing recreational and merrymaking activities for the students to various government and non-government organizations launching schemes for the welfare of the children.
  5. In schools, teachers organize entertainment programs for children. Some may announce holiday or half day for other students. 
  6. Children are sometimes given snacks and sweets in their schools.

“Nehru had responded, “I have always felt that the children of today will make the India of tomorrow, and the way we raise them will determine the future of the country,” when Ram Narayan Chaudhary had asked him in an interview in 1958 if he was fond of kids because the future of the nation depended on them.”

Jawaharlal Nehru

Happy Children’s Day 2023: Children’s Right as per the Indian Constitution

According to the Indian Constitution, children have the following rights:

– The right of every kid in the age range of 6 to 14 years old to be free and required primary education.

– The right to be shielded from dangerous employment until age 14 (Article 24).

– The entitlement to child care and education.

– The right to be shielded from abuse.

– The right to be shielded from having to work jobs that are not physically or intellectually suitable to them for financial reasons.

– The right to equitable opportunity and developmentally appropriate facilities.

– The right to freedom and dignity, as well as the assurance that children and young people would not be exploited.

In addition to these rights, they also have the following as equal Indian citizens: – Right to equality (Article 14).

– Right to equality (Article 14).

– Right against discrimination (Article 15).

– Right to personal liberty and due process of law (Article 21).

– Right to being protected from being trafficked and forced into bonded labor (Article 23).

– Right of weaker sections of the people to be protected from social injustice and all forms of exploitation (Article 46).

Happy Children’s Day 2023: Speech

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Pandit Nehru Ji made an exceptional contribution to rescuing our country from the bonds of slavery when it was previously a slave. The nation will never forget his efforts, we would like to say on the joyous occasion of Children’s Day Speech 2023 in Hindi. He assumed leadership of the nation after India gained independence. At a tough time when there were no resources of any kind in the nation, Pandit Nehru ji led India up the success stairs. Today, we honour Nehru Ji by keeping him in our thoughts.

Happy Children’s Day 2023: Best wishes and quotes

  1. Every child is unique and wonderful. Let’s provide them a better life so that their childhood will be remembered. Happy Children’s Day!
  2. The smile on a child’s face is the most priceless thing in the world. Happy Children’s Day!
  3. Every child should be loved and cared for as they develop. Let’s ensure that children have happy and healthy lives. Happy Children’s Day!
  4. A child’s smile is the most priceless thing in this world. Every child in the world had a happy Children’s Day.
  5. Never let the child inside of you die, and be sure to look after it anytime it needs something. You would improve everything if you had a gentler heart. Happy Children’s Day, everyone!
  6. Children are heaven’s flowers. Let’s help our children feel safe and happy in this world. Greetings on Children’s Day!
  7. If you keep your youth with you, you never grow old. Happy Children’s Day, everyone!
  8. The flowers of heaven and God’s favourite creation are referred to as children. So let’s swear to make this world a joyful and improved place for the children. Happy Children’s Day.

Happy Children’s Day 2023: Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Books

Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru letters to Indira Gandhi, his daughter, when she was a young child reflect this idea. Books based on the letters were also released. Both Glimpses of World History (1934) and Letters from a Father to His Daughter (1929) have become well-known examples of children’s non-fiction because, according to Deepa Agarwal, “any youngster can respond to their warm, affectionate tone and his lucid and spontaneous language. He communicates humanist ideas, and the quantity of information woven within them and his distinctive approach to historical facts are a bonus.


Happy Children’s Day In Hindi


Who began children's day?

Children's Day was established in Chelsea, New York, by Reverend Dr. Charles Leonard in 1857. Despite the fact that most nations throughout the world commemorate Children's Day on June 1, Universal Children's Day is observed every year on November 20.

When Children's is celebrated in India?

Children's Day is celebrated in India on 14th November on the occasion of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, Independent India's first Prime Minister. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was also popularly known as "Chacha Nehru".

What is the importance of children's day?

It is celebrated on 14th November every year to encourage global understanding, raise children's consciousness, and improve their welfare.

What is the another name of Children's Day?

Children's Day also called 'Bal Diwas'.