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Government Jobs After Graduation 2025, Check the Complete List

Every year, thousands of aspirants compete for government jobs, drawn by the stability, perks, and career growth they offer. These opportunities span diverse sectors, and candidates must qualify through competitive exams tailored to specific roles. In this article, we have curated the complete list of top government jobs available after graduation. Understanding these opportunities will help you identify roles that align with your skills and interests. Start planning strategically to enhance your chances of success in securing your dream government job.

Government Jobs After Graduation

Every year, lakhs of students compete for a limited number of government job vacancies, making the competition tough. Besides SSC and Banking exams, students should consider other government job opportunities after graduation including streams like engineering, defense, and agriculture as they offer benefits like job security, a good salary, and extra perks. This article provides a list of important government jobs to apply for after graduation in 2025, along with details on exam patterns, eligibility, and preparation tips for candidates.

Government Exams After Graduation

Following is a list of various government exams after graduation that are conducted through different boards and commissions. Candidates must refer to the below and prepare accordingly.

  • Staff Selection Commission (SSC): The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) conducts various exams for recruitment to different government departments, including the Central Police Organizations (CPO), Combined Graduate Level (CGL), and Combined Higher Secondary Level (CHSL).
  • Railway Jobs: The Indian Railways is one of the largest employers in India and offers various job opportunities for graduates, such as Station Master, Commercial Clerk, and Goods Guard.
  • Banking Jobs: Graduates can also apply for jobs in banks, such as the State Bank of India (SBI), Reserve Bank of India (RBI), and other nationalized banks, as well as private banks.
  • Defense Jobs: Graduates can aim for prestigious roles in defense fields through the Combined Defense Services (CDS) exam and Air Force Common Admission Test (AFCAT).
  • Agriculture Jobs: Opportunities like Agriculture Field Officer (through IBPS) and positions in the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) are also great choices for graduates with relevant qualifications.

Here is a list of various government exams after graduation from which students can choose their careers.

Government Exams After Graduation
AP POLICE Sub Inspector SSB Odisha Recruitment
DMRC Recruitment RRB NTPC

For the candidate’s convenience, let us go through the details of the above exams’ recruitment process to understand them in a better way including details of the recruitment post, the age limit, and salary.

Government Jobs After Graduation in SSC

Staff Selection Commission (SSC) is a reputed organization that conducts recruitment examinations to recruit thousands of candidates for various vacancies. It is essential for the candidates to thoroughly research the details of the job they are interested in. Here we have discussed the exam post, age limit, and salary for the particular post.

Exam Name Post Salary Age Limit
SSC CGL GST Inspector Pay Level 7(Rs. 44900 to 142400) 18-30 years
Assistant Section Officer Pay Level 7(Rs. 44900 to 142400) 18-30 years
Tax Assistant Pay Level 4(Rs. 25500 to 81100) 18-30 years
Inspector of Income Tax Pay Level 7(Rs. 44900 to 142400) Not more than 30 years
SSC CPO Sub Inspector Level 6 -7th CPC 20-25 Years
SSC JE Junior Engineer Pay Scale Rs. 35400 -112400 18-32 years

Government Jobs After Graduation in Various States

Here is a list of some of the state government jobs for which a graduate candidate can prepare and work in a reputed organization for job security:

Exam Name Post Salary Age Limit
SSB Odisha Recruitment Jr. Stenographer According to rules 21 to 32 years
Jr. Assistant According to rules 21 to 32 years
AP Police Sub Inspector Sub Inspector Initial Pay Rs.35400 21 to 27 years
UP Police Sub Inspector Sub Inspector Initial Pay Rs.35400 21 to 28 years

Government Jobs through UPSC After Graduation

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) conducts the toughest examinations in the country for recruiting bright candidates in the bureaucratic system of India. We have listed some exams for which the students can start preparing. Here is a list of different Government Jobs after graduation (through UPSC).

Exam Name Post Salary Age Limit
UPSC CSE Sub Divisional Magistrate/Assistant Superintendent of Police Level 10 Rs. 56100 – 177500 21-32 years
UPSC CDS Lieutenant Level 10 Rs. 56100 – 177500  Not exceeding 24 Years
UPSC CAPF AC Assistant Commandants Pay Scale Rs.44135 20-25 years
UPSC IES Various Engineering Posts Pay Band Rs. 56100 21-30 years

Government Jobs After Graduation in Railways

As we know, Government Jobs in Railways are the largest employer. Here is a list of some of the most important government jobs after graduation in railways for the recruitment of graduates.

Exam Name Post Age Limit Salary
RRB JE Junior Engineer 18-36 years Level 6 Rs. 35400 -112400
Junior Engineer Information Technology
Depot Material Superintendent
Chemical and Metallurgical Assistant
RRB NTPC Goods Train Manager 18-36 years Level 5 Rs. 29200
Senior Commercial Cum Ticket Clerk Level 5 Rs. 29200
Senior Clerk cum typist Level 5 Rs. 29200
Junior Account Assistant cum Typist Level 5 Rs. 29200
Station Master Level 6 Rs. 35400
DMRC Recruitment General Manager 55 years Maximum Rs. 37400 to Rs. 67000
Section Engineer Below 50 years Rs. 47500

Get the Best Study Material for All Govt. Exams 2025

How to start preparing for Government Jobs after graduation?

Wondering how to start your preparations for a government job after graduation? Candidates can start preparing for the various competitive exams with the help of this article. For various government jobs, candidates must give proper time to every subject. Here is a rough sketch regarding time management for various subjects. Candidates can try to follow the same for better preparation.

Subjects Duration
English 1 Hour
Computer 1 Hour
General Awareness 1 Hour
Reasoning Ability 2 Hours
Quantitative Aptitude 3 Hours

We are providing you with the best study material that will help you prepare and grab your dream government job after graduation.

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Preparation Tips for Government Jobs

Each exam conducted by different recruitment authorities has its own pattern and subject-wise syllabus. However, there are some common methods to prepare for these exams that the candidates can follow to maximize their performance in the upcoming examinations. It should be noted that these points should be adapted according to the candidates’ strengths and weaknesses. For various government jobs after graduation, one must follow the following:

  • Go through the exam pattern and syllabus of the various stages of the selection process as mentioned on the official website or in the detailed notification.
  • Solve the previous year’s questions to become aware of the level of questions asked in the latest exams conducted according to the updated exam pattern.
  • Make Handwritten notes for each subject as per the topics mentioned in the detailed syllabus in the official notification.
  • Make a proper plan to revise the concepts and practice exam-level questions based on these concepts.
  • Attempt sectional and full-length mock tests to make yourself aware of the structure of the question paper, manage the time limit efficiently, and minimize mistakes.

How to get the Latest alerts on Government Jobs after graduation?

Candidates who are interested in applying for any government jobs after graduation can frequently check the website sscadda.com where all the information is updated daily. The government jobs for graduates in every field are provided here whether it is related to agriculture, banking, SSC, state level, PSUs, medical field, railways, UPSC, etc. You can get the complete list with all the important information including detailed notifications, the last date to apply online, and the vacancies for government jobs after graduation. Follow adda247 now!

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Government Jobs After Graduation 2025, Check the Complete List_4.1


How can I get government job after graduation?

You can get a government job after graduation by applying for various government notifications and preparing for it thoroughly. 

What are the government jobs for graduates?

The government jobs for graduates include jobs such as Bank Clerk, Manager, Probationary Officer, SSC CGL, Railways, DDA, CBSE, DRDO, ISRO, UKSSSC, BTSC, Rajasthan High court etc.

What is the best website for government jobs?

The best website for the latest information about all government jobs for 10th, 12th, graduates, post-graduates is sscadda.com. To stay updated, you can check out the latest job alerts here. You can also download the mobile application for the same.

What are the perks of government jobs?

The perks of government jobs are as follows:
1. Job security
2. Attractive Salary and Benefits
3. Opportunities for Growth and Promotions
4. Pension Benefits etc

Where can I find updated information about the government jobs?

Candidates can refer to sscadda.com to find updated information about various government jobs.