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ICMR NIV Recruitment 2023 Exam Date, Check Details

ICMR NIV Recruitment 2023 Exam Date

The ICMR-National Institute of Virology recently announced a recruitment notification for Technical Assistant and Technician-1 positions, with a total of 80 vacancies. As of now, the application window has closed, and candidates who have applied for technical Assistant Group-B and Technician 1 Group-C- C (Technical Non-Ministerial) posts are eagerly awaiting the release of the ICMR NIV Recruitment 2023 Exam Date. The recruitment drive, conducted by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), has generated significant interest from potential candidates seeking opportunities in the field. Applicants are advised to stay tuned for further updates regarding the ICMR NIV Recruitment 2023 Exam Date and other relevant details.

ICMR NIV Notification 2023

ICMR NIV Notification 2023 has been issued under Advt. no. 01/NIV/TECH/2023 on the official website. We attached the ICMR NIV Recruitment 2023 Notification PDF which includes all the details regarding this recruitment like online registration start/end date, number of vacancies, eligibility criteria, etc. Candidates can check the ICMR NIV Recruitment 2023 Notification PDF by clicking on the link below.

ICMR NIV Recruitment 2023: Overview

The ICMR NIV Recruitment Notification has been released for Technical Assistant Group-B (Technical Non-Ministerial) and Technician 1 (Group-C Technical Non-Ministerial) posts. Candidates can go through the ICMR NIV Recruitment 2023 Overview table for more details about the ICMR NIV Recruitment 2023.

ICMR NIV Recruitment 2023
Name of Organization ICMR-National Institute of Virology (NIV)
Posts Name
  • Technical Assistant Group-B (Technical Non-Ministerial)
  • Technician 1 (Group- C Technical Non-Ministerial)
Advt. No. 01/NIV/TECH/2023/
Number of Vacancies 80
Category Govt Jobs
Job Location All Over India
Online Registration Dates 26 November 2023 to 10 December 2023
Salary/Pay Scale
  • Rs. 35400 – Rs. 112400 (Technical Assistant Group-B) 
  • Rs. 19900 – Rs. 63200 (Technician 1 Group- C)
Selection Process Computer Based Test (CBT)
Official Website www.niv.icmr.org.in

ICMR NIV Recruitment 2023: Important Dates

Applications are invited for ICMR NIV Recruitment 2023 against 80 vacancies of Group-B and Group-C posts of The Indian Council of Medical Research National Institute of Virology (ICMR-NIV). Candidates looking for the ICMR NIV Recruitment 2023 Important Dates like online registration start/end date, exam date, and admit card date can go through the table below.

ICMR NIV Recruitment 2023: Important Dates
Events Important Dates
Online Registration Start 26 November 2023
Online Registration End Date 10 December 2023
Admit Card Release Date To be Notified
Exam Date To be Notified

ICMR NIV Vacancy 2023

ICMR-National Institute of Virology (NIV) has released the notification for a total of 80 vacancies of Technical Assistant Group-B and Technician 1 Group- -C (Technical Non-Ministerial) posts. All 80 posts are divided into different categories. Candidates can go through the ICMR NIV 2023 Vacancy Detail table 2023 below:

ICMR NIV 2023 Vacancy
Name of Post Total Vacancies UR SC ST OBC EWS PwBD ESM
Technician Assistant Group-B 49 22 7 3 13 4 2 (b-HH)/ (c-OH)
Technician -1 Group-C 31 14 4 2 8 3 2 (b-HH)/ (c-OH) 3

ICMR NIV Recruitment 2023 Eligibility Criteria

Eligibility Criteria for the ICMR NIV Recruitment 2023, depend upon the candidates’ age limit and educational qualification. Candidates must check the eligibility criteria before applying online for the ICMR NIV Recruitment 2023. Here we discuss information regarding the eligibility criteria based on age limit and educational qualification.

ICMR NIV Age Limit

The age limit for the ICMR NIV Recruitment 2023 for the post of Technical Assistant is not more than 30 years and the age limit for the post of Technician-1 not exceeding 28 years. 

Post Name  Age Limit
Technical Assistant Not more than 30 years
Technician-1 Not more than 28 years

Age relaxation is also provided to the Reserved category candidates in the upper age limit. Check the category-wise age relaxation in the given table:

Reservation Category Age  relaxation is permissible  beyond the upper Age Limit
SC / ST 5 years
OBC 3 years
PwBD 10 Years
PwBD + OBC 13 years
PwBD + SC/ ST 15 years
Ex-Servicemen 3 years after deduction of the military service rendered from the actual age
as on the closing date.
Central Govt. Civilian Employees For    Group    B
For     Group     C
1)   Central         Govt.         Civilian Employees       fulfilling       the conditions   as   prescribed   by DoPT, Govt. of  India vide  OM No.        15012/2/2010-Estt.(D) dated   27.03.2012   (General/ Unreserved)        who        have rendered  not  less  than  three years  regular  and  continuous
service  as  on  closing  date  for receipt of application
5 years Upto the  age  of 40
2)   Central         Govt.         Civilian Employees   (OBC)   who   have rendered  not  less  than  three years of regular  and  continuous service  as of the closing  date  for
receipt of application
8 (5+3) years Upto the  age  of 43
3)   Central          Govt.          Civilian Employees (SC / ST) who have rendered  not  less  than  three years of regular  and  continuous service  as of the closing  date  for receipt of application 10 (5+5) years Upto the  age  of 45

 ICMR NIV Educational Qualification

Educational Qualification for the ICMR NIV Recruitment 2023 should be according to the specific posts. Candidates can go through the given table for education details for both posts under ICMR NIV Recruitment 2023.

Post Name Educational Qualification
Technical Assistant First Class Bachelor’s Degree in the respective discipline from a recognized University/Institute
Technician-1 12th or Intermediate pass in Science subject with 55% marks and one-year diploma in the related discipline

ICMR NIV Apply Online 2023

The Online Registration process for the ICMR NIV Recruitment for 80 vacancies of Technical Assistant and Technician-1 has been concluded on 10 December 2023. The link shared below in the article is inactive now. 

How to Apply Online For ICMR NIV 2023?

You can apply online for the Technical Assistant Group-B and Technician 1 Group-C- C (Technical Non-Ministerial) after following the guidelines below.

Step 1: Visit the official website  www.icmr.nic.in or niv.icmr.org.in or MKCL Recruitlive Portal @niv.recruitlive.in.

Step 2: You should have a valid personal e-mail ID and mobile number.

Step 3: Now fill in details i.e. name, Aadhar number, date of birth, gender, e-mail ID, mobile number, etc to the link.

Step 4: After that, upon successful registration, the user name/application number will be sent to the e-mail ID/ Mobile Number used during registration.

Step 5: Now provide all the essential documents.

Step 6:  Please keep the printout of the application form for future reference.

ICMR NIV Recruitment 2023 Application Fees

Candidates who want to apply for the ICMR NIV Recruitment 2023, have to pay online application fees before submitting the online form. Application fees for the online registration of ICMR NIV Recruitment 2023 are Rs. 300/- for the candidates belonging to an unreserved category and reserved category candidates (SC/ST) as well as Persons with Disabilities (PwD), Ex-Servicemen, and Females are exempted from the application fee. The mode of Application fee payment will be online.

ICMR NIV Recruitment 2023: Application Fee
Category Application Fee
GEN/ OBC/ EWS Rs. 300/-
SC/ ST/ PwD/ Ex-Servicemen/ Female Rs. 0/-

ICMR NIV Recruitment 2023 Selection Process

ICMR NIV Recruitment 2023 Selection Process will be based on a Computer-Based Test (CBT). After Qualifying for the ICMR NIV Recruitment 2023 CBT candidates will go through the Document Verification where applicable and then will be appointed based on the merit list for Technical Assistant and Technician-1 posts and will be posted in different cities of India.

  • Computer Based Test (CBT)
  • Document Verification ( If applicable)

ICMR NIV 2023 Exam Pattern

Here we provide the details about the number of questions asked, marks for each question, total marks, negative marking, and time duration for the ICMR NIRT Computer-Based Test.

  • There will be 100 Multiple Choice Questions in the Computer-Based Test.
  • The CBT will consist of Section ‘A’ of 30 marks and Section ‘B’ of 70 marks
  • 1 mark will be provided for each correct answer.
  • There will be a negative marking of 0.25 marks for each incorrect answer.
  • The time duration for the computer-based test will be 90 minutes.
Sections Marks
Section A: General Intelligence/General Awareness/ Quantitative Aptitude/ Computer Skills/ English Language 30
Section B: Subject Related Questions 70
Total 100

ICMR NIV 2023 Syllabus

ICMR NIV Exam consists of two sections i.e. Section ‘A’ and Section ‘B’. Section ‘A’ includes five subjects General Intelligence, General Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude, Computer Skills, and English Language, and in Section ‘B’ questions will be asked according to the post for which the candidates apply. The detailed syllabus for the ICMR NIV Exam 2023 is tabulated below:

ICMR NIV Syllabus 2023 for Section-A
Subject Syllabus
General Intelligence Questions based on similarities and differences, analogies, problem-solving, decision-making, judgment, visual memory,  arithmetical number series and computation,  non-verbal series,  relationships concepts, abstract ideas and symbols, and their relationships, etc.
General Awareness Current affairs and current events, general awareness related to health, nutrition, and scientific research
Quantitative Aptitude Computation of whole numbers,    decimals,    fractions, percentages, ratios and proportions, averages, interest, profit and loss, basic algebra, time and distance,  time and work,  heights and distances,  bar diagrams,  pie charts,  histograms, polygons, etc.
Computer Skills Basics  of a computer  system,  MS Word,  MS  Excel,  MS PowerPoint,
Networking, formulas writing in Excel, google form.
English Language The candidate’s ability to understand correct   English,   his basic
comprehension and writing ability, etc. would be tested.

ICMR NIV Recruitment 2023 Salary

Salary is an important factor for every job post, attracting candidates to work hard for better preparation. Candidates who are selected for the post of Technical Assistant Group-B will get a salary in Rs. 35400 – Rs. 112400 and Rs. 19900 – Rs. 63200 will be given to the posts of Technician-1 Group-C.

Post Name Salary
Technical Assistant Group-B Rs. 35400 – Rs. 112400
Technician-1 Group-C Rs. 19900 – Rs. 63200


ICMR NIV Recruitment 2023 Exam Date, Check Details_4.1


How many vacancies will be recruited under ICMR NIV Recruitment 2023?

A total of 80 vacancies will be recruited under ICMR NIV Recruitment 2023 for the posts of Technical Assistant Group-B and Technician 1 Group- C (Technical Non-Ministerial).

What is the Selection process for the ICMR NIV Recruitment 2023?

The Selection Process for the ICMR NIV Recruitment 2023 will be based on Computer Based Test (CBT) and Document Verification (if applicable).

Is ICMR NIV Recruitment 2023 Exam Date out?

No, the ICMR NIV Recruitment 2023 Exam Date has not been announced as of now.

Where can I find the exam pattern for ICMR NIV Recruitment 2023?

The exam pattern for ICMR NIV Exam 2023 is discussed above in the article.