Directions(Q.1-10) Read each sentence to find if there is any grammatical error in it. If there is any error, it will be only in one part of the sentence. The number of alphabet of that part is your answer. (Disregard punctuation errors, if any.)
1.John’s salary is much larger than Tom.
(a) John’s salary
(b) is much
(c) larger than
(d) Tom
Ans- d ( use ‘ that of Tom’ in place of Tom)
Ans- d ( use ‘ that of Tom’ in place of Tom)
2.Give me three thousands rupees, please.
(a) Give me
(b) three thousands
(c) rupees
(d) please
Ans- b (use ‘three thousand)
Ans- b (use ‘three thousand)
3.More than one person have found it correct.
(a) More than one
(b) person
(c) have found it
(d) correct
Ans- c (use ‘ has found)
Ans- c (use ‘ has found)
4.Only three-fourths of the work are complete and we are left with no time.
(a) Only three-fourths
(b) of the work
(c) are complete
(d) and we are left with no time
Ans- c ( use ‘is’ in place of ‘are’)
Ans- c ( use ‘is’ in place of ‘are’)
5.The English defeated French in the battle of Waterloo.
(a) The English
(b) defeated
(c) French
(d) in the battle of Waterloo
Ans- c (use ‘the french’ in place of ‘french’)
Ans- c (use ‘the french’ in place of ‘french’)
6.The three last chapters of this book are very interesting.
(a) The three last chapters
(b) of this
(c) book
(d) are very interesting
Ans- a ( use ‘the last three’)
Ans- a ( use ‘the last three’)
7.I lived in a three-hundred-years old house in Bombay.
(a) I lived
(b) in a three-hundred-years
(c) old house
(d) in Bombay
Ans- b ( use ‘three hundred year’)
Ans- b ( use ‘three hundred year’)
8.They appointed him as a manager as he is efficient.
(a) The appointed
(b) him as a manager
(c) as he is
(d) efficient
Ans- b ( use ‘manager’ in place of ‘as a manager’)
Ans- b ( use ‘manager’ in place of ‘as a manager’)
9.One should always take care of his health.
(a) One should
(b) always
(c) take care
(d) of his health
Ans- d ( use ‘ of one’s in place of ‘his’)
Ans- d ( use ‘ of one’s in place of ‘his’)
10.Mary is smarter than anybody in her class.
(a) Mary is smarter
(b) than
(c) anybody
(d) in her class
Ans- c ( use ‘anybody else’ in place of ‘anybody’)
Ans- c ( use ‘anybody else’ in place of ‘anybody’)